Wednesday, August 10, 2005

How To Stay Young

A friend recently blogged about a lovely album she's been listening to. I lent it my ears. I liked.

Can anyone doubt music is the greatest of the arts? If I could sing I would never have gone to film school. Hearing a new sound, a great line, makes me feel eighteen again, and after a certain age (hint: 30) that is a very nice feeling. So:

1. Keep discovering new music. It continually awakens feelings you didn't know, or may have forgotten, you had.

2. Keep reading poetry. It reminds you that few valuable insights have anything to do with money.

3. Keep making love. It's great for your skin, and your soul.

4. Keep changing your mind. It means you learned something new and acted on it. If you're beyond learning and taking action, you might as well be dead. Or a pundit.

5. Keep trying to change the world. If you think it's too late, see 4.

6. Keep moving. Literally. A little kinetic activity now and again goes a long way - dancing, riding in the Tour de France, getting up to change the channel. It all helps.

7. Stop celebrating your birthday. If you can't remember how old you are, you never have to worry about acting your age. Acting your age past 30 is a death sentence.

8. Travel. Even if it's just down the road, new sights keep the mind and heart alive.

9. Be kind. It shocks people, which is funny when you think about it. It also feels good.

10. Laugh.

11. Keep adding to this list.

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